Monday, January 15, 2024

Welcome to the Original My Beckers Story

Originally launched in 2009 after suffering a work-related injury. I started sharing my story about living with Becker Muscular Dystrophy here on the My Beckers Story blog. This year celebrating 14 years of raising awareness of Muscular Dystrophy and the issues those with disabilities face. When I first started I never thought I would reach over 100 blog posts written or see over 420,000 people visiting My Beckers Story.

If you are visiting My Beckers Story for the first time please use the links above to read through my journey and living with Becker Muscular Dystrophy. Now a few years ago I launched an updated version of the My Beckers Story blog making it more user friendly which is available by visiting 

In November of 2023 I self-published my book Fighting Towards Victory a book sharing my entire life story. It takes you through my childhood and teens up in to my mid-forties. A book that helps to show you that life is often about persevering through the challenges life brings. I hope you will consider ordering a copy available on Amazon using this special link

Sunday, January 14, 2024

My New Book Fighting Towards Victory - Available on Amazon

Well I wrote a book! A dream at times I thought wouldn't be possible but after months of pushing through I have self-published a book entitled "Fighting Towards Victory" Now available on Amazon!

This certainly is a huge victory for me, one I thought at times wouldn't be possible to achieve! But in life we are all fighting towards a goal. It really doesn't matter who you are, we all have something we're dealing with. In my case it started early on in life when I was diagnosed with Becker Muscular Dystrophy. While it's only part of my story it hasn't been the only thing bringing challenges into my life. Sure we all enjoy a few victories along the way and at times we may face things that stop us in our tracks. Still we often make it through with a never give up attitude. I've certainly faced many ups and downs, some which should have broken me. Yet I am still here fighting so what I hope you get from reading my book is that overcoming the challenges of life is possible and that no matter what you are facing in life to always keep fighting. Even if sometimes that victory is just making it through the day.

So if you are looking to learn more about Becker Muscular Dystrophy, dealing with a recent diagnosis or simply aim to find ways to overcome the challenges of life I think you will enjoy reading a story about facing life's challenges head on and the ability we have to never give up no matter what comes our way.

I truly hope you consider ordering a copy of Fighting Towards Victory!

Available on Amazon Please (Click Here) to order your copy today!

Friday, January 12, 2024

On a Mission Fighting Towards Victory over my Anxiety

Now when it comes to my issues with anxiety it's been something I've faced all my life. Now I am not usually an anxious person but looking back even into my teens certainly things would make me uncomfortable. Growing up I always dreaded having to give a presentation at school. I would just fear all my class-mates staring at me. Even in high-school if it was presentation day I would simply take a sick day.

As you can see I've always dealt with being anxious in certain situations. I truly hated being the centre of attention then I decided to pursue a career in music which meant performing in front of people. I remember the first time and coming close to calling it off moments before me and my friend got on stage since I was facing some major anxiety but I got through it and enjoyed it. Completely odd right since I was so nervous in many other situations yet I chose to put myself in a situation where I'd be required to perform in front of a crowd.

Over-thinking leads to missed opportunities

After I graduated high-school and thanks to my dad who worked in advertising who at the time was working for Midas who ran ads during a popular car show airing on TSN I had the opportunity to spend the day with the entire crew. We went out on a shoot of the Mazda MPV and I thoroughly enjoyed getting a look behind the scenes and getting to know everybody. Their studio was located about an hour away in downtown Toronto. Now here where my nervousness and over thinking get the best of me and end up ruining what could have been a life-changing opportunity. Their video editor offered to teach me video editing but never took advantage of this amazing offer all due to me being nervous about needing to drive downtown on the highway. I could only imagine what might have happened and where I'd be today if I didn't pass up on what many might view as an opportunity of a lifetime. I guess I could say I have a few regrets.

In the examples listed above you could say in those situations it's normal to be a little anxious after all many of us would react this way when being pushed outside our comfort zones. To be honest the anxiety I dealt with in my teens was normal and didn't keep me from getting out of the house or stop me from socializing. Though at times it kept me from getting to know some amazing people and stopped me from taking advantage of some great opportunities. Now thankfully over the years I have made some good friends and absolutely enjoy getting together with friends and family and never get nervous as being surrounded by people I know seems to take all my worries away.

Anxiety related to aging with Becker Muscular Dystrophy

Now a few years back I faced major issues with anxiety related to me turning forty and feeling like I haven't accomplished anything I thought I would have by that point in my life. I really envisioned a different life than the one I have now. I thought I'd own a home but a work-related injury in my early thirties ended that dream and now with the cost of living it's completely out of reach. Anyways it was when I turned forty I started dealing with anxiety related to living with Becker Muscular Dystrophy. I started worrying about my heart and reading about the complications others were facing and began thinking I'd find myself in the same situation when in reality everyone's story even for those living with Becker Muscular Dystrophy. 

Sadly one day my anxiety related to living with Muscular Dystrophy ended up with me in the emergency room thinking something was happening. Long story short they completed all the testing and it came back that nothing was wrong. So they sent me on my way with a referral to a local heart specialist who completed an echocardiogram and even had me wear a heart monitor for 48 hours. Again the results showed everything was perfectly fine. At that moment a lot of my anxiety disappeared as I was relieved to find out I was worrying for nothing.

Sure over the next few years I faced normal worries and concerns mainly around travelling as I simply don't like driving long distances. I especially don't enjoy driving down busy highways which is required whenever we visit Niagara Falls.

Other issues may revolve around winter and the risks of slipping and falling but that's things I consider normal to worry about. I do wish I could live carefree but living with Becker Muscular Dystrophy especially now I have to be extra careful in avoiding falls or putting myself in situations that put me at risk. I don't become obsessive about it but simply need to take everything into consideration when venturing out on any journey with accessibility always being a concern but again I consider these normal things to think about.

Now fast forward to today and recently some anxiety has returned. Unfortunately it actually ended up ruining most of 2023 for me so now I am on a mission to find a way to overcome my issues with anxiety. So you could say I am currently Fighting Towards Victory over my issues with anxiety as this is one victory I hope to be able to celebrate very soon.

If you have tips for overcoming anxiety please feel free to share them. Doing so could help me and others trying to find ways of one day celebrating victory over the anxiety they are currently facing.

Please if you haven't already consider checking out my book Fighting Towards Victory written to help encourage everyone to keep fighting no matter what they are facing!