Sunday, February 7, 2021

Thankful for Upbringing being taught Acceptance, Kindness & Honesty

I am so grateful to have grown up in a family where love and acceptance was they key ingredient. Maybe that is why I am such a caring person today? We all know the role of a parent is to teach us how to treat others and like most kid's I would claim that mine did a wonderful job, sure like most parents they weren't perfect and I was a little trouble maker at times - but the effort they made is something I will cherish for the rest of my life.

I am truly thankful for my upbringing and understand some are not so lucky to have grown up in a loving or caring home. In many cases our parents or those who raise us simply do their best to raise us right. But no matter our upbringing its up to us to choose to treat everyone the way we want to be treated. This is something known as the golden rule which I was taught in Sunday school. Still today I believe we should all try an live our lives this way.

We all know or at least should know that it's always best to lead with kindness. My parents always taught me if you have nothing nice to say they don't say anything at all. A common thing kid's were taught back in the day. Maybe that is why it's not in me to ever insult or bring anyone down. Well unless someone goes out of their way to insult me I may respond. You see even growing up I was always considered the nice guy, maybe that is why in elementary school the other kids picked on me? Not a fun time in my life at all but having loving and caring parents at home truly helped me through the tough times.

My mom was truly amazing as she didn't like to see me going through such things. As the bullying carried on into high school I never wanted to stay for lunch as unfortunately I didn't have that many friends. Thankfully my mom would pick me up everyday for lunch with Mr. Sub or Harvey's being the places I would choose between. Yes a few time she would simply take me home for lunch where I would catch the end of the Price is Right then watch the Flintstones while I ate my lunch - definitely good memories. 

Like most we are thankfully for our parents and the sacrifices they made to make sure we were raised properly. Making sure to instill us with proper values where we treat everyone with respect and helping others however we can. That is what I am trying to do with My Beckers Story and my efforts with LAPS4MD. 

If you read my blog you will see I share my story openly & honestly. Maybe this is due to the fact that both my parents taught me that honest is the best policy. Though there were many times they did have to punish me for bad behavior. At times being a typical kid but I tried my best to be honest. It's funny to me as even my wife would tell you it's next to impossible for me to lie, because when I do the smile on my face will give it away. Maybe this is a result of my parents teaching me to always tell the truth. Something a few in this world would benefit from learning.

So what am I trying to say with this blog post? In a way it's a thank you to my mom and dad for doing their best in raising me to be honest, loving and accepting of others no matter their culture, our differences or beliefs. As well as a thank you for all they did for me over the years as I grew up with Becker Muscular Dystrophy.