Thursday, January 11, 2024

Dealing with the Progression of Muscular Dystrophy - I want my muscles back!

Lately I've found myself saying I want my muscles back. I simply want to be able to do the things I once did with ease. I want to be able to go to events without worrying about a lack of accessibility. I truly long to return to that carefree person I used to be. I've just noticed recently that as my muscles grow weaker it ends up taking away a lot of my self-confidence. 

I guess I am starting to feel defenseless against Muscular Dystrophy now knowing in many situations I might not be able to help myself. With the common concern being what if I fall or lately the biggest frustration being my inability to use some public bathrooms not due to a lack of accessibility but due to weakened leg muscles which severely limit me and my ability to get up from a seated position especially if there isn't anything for me to push off of. It just takes one experience of struggling physically to make you wish you could have the muscle strength back that you have lost. 

Like many I often pray and hope for a day when they find a huge breakthrough in Muscular Dystrophy research. One that allows all of us to rebuild the muscle strength we've lost. Sure this is a dream of many but it often seems so far off. 

So to all the researchers, doctors and charities I want to thank you for all you are doing in support of our community. To all the parents fighting hard for their sons and daughters, thank you for your passion and dedication to help all of us win the fight against Muscular Dystrophy. To everyone living with this thank you for sharing your stories and supporting those of us trying to make a difference by helping to show everyone we are truly in this together. My hope is that one day I may be able to say thank you for helping me get my muscle strength back!