Sunday, July 25, 2021

Born not to run, but to walk slowly and very carefully

As a child running was always difficult for me. Even all these years later I still remember the very last time I ran but it definitely wasn't for fun. See it was to keep from getting beat up by a skinhead who was trying to impress his girlfriend by harassing me. It certainly wasn't easy but I had no other option but to try and run, thankfully I ran into a townhouse complex close by for safety and thankfully he didn't follow me.

It certainly wasn't easy and I nearly lost my backpack as this happened when I was walking home from high school. After this I was pretty tired but walked the rest of the way home constantly looking behind me to see if he was following me. Thankfully I was able to get home safely. Yet another situation where I probably never shared this with my mom when I arrived home. I honestly kept a lot of my bullying experiences to myself.

Another memorable time I tried to run was when I joined my friends and they decided to run across four lanes of traffic. I proceeded to join them but this resulted in me immediately falling in the middle of the road. Now thankfully no cars were coming but if there were it could have ended pretty badly. After that day I decided to permanently retire from running. With Becker Muscular Dystrophy being the main factor.